
Greg Peters 12-10-2023
Greg Peters


通过将Skyward加入罗德岛第469号总价格协议--多区学生信息系统,罗德岛各学区和州政府可以购买Skyward软件,而无需为新的学生信息系统(SIS)进行招标。 罗德岛教育局在2013年初开始审查多个SIS供应商,并选择Skyward以满足其多供应商系统的要求。


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"中央瀑布学区由六所学校和2600多名学生组成,学区之间的流动率为30%至40%,"中央瀑布学区助理校长Mike St. Jean说,"Skyward提供了我们需要的反应迅速的一站式系统,以确保学区之间的数据准确性。 目前,我们使用五个不同的系统来满足学区的不同需求Skyward将这些数据系统精简到只有一个,并在任何设备上提供了一个干净和可访问的界面。 我们的地区可以通过这个SIS发展很多,使其成为一项伟大的即时和长期投资。"

圣吉恩说,中央瀑布学区渴望建立一个系统,为家长和学生提供全面的学生数据。 波塔克特学校部期待着为其教师和辅助人员提供必要的工具,为教学提供信息,满足学生的需求。

See_also: 适用于教育领域教师和学生的最佳网络摄像机 2022年

"Pawtucket教育局认识到,一个包罗万象的系统将帮助教师瞄准学生的个人需求,"Pawtucket教育局首席信息和创新官Hersh Cristino说,"Skyward将使教师能够轻松绘制学生的成绩,并向学生和家长提供反馈。 该系统的实时数据报告功能,响应干预能力和家长门户网站将为我们提供必要的工具,使我们的学生更进一步"。


Greg Peters

Greg Peters is an experienced educator and passionate advocate for transforming the field of education. With over 20 years of experience as a teacher, administrator, and consultant, Greg has dedicated his career to helping educators and schools find innovative ways to improve learning outcomes for students of all ages.As the author of the popular blog, TOOLS & IDEAS TO TRANSFORM EDUCATION, Greg shares his insights and expertise on a wide range of topics, from leveraging technology to promoting personalized learning and fostering a culture of innovation in the classroom. He is known for his creative and practical approach to education, and his blog has become a go-to resource for educators around the world.In addition to his work as a blogger, Greg is also a sought-after speaker and consultant, collaborating with schools and organizations to develop and implement effective educational initiatives. He holds a Master's degree in Education and is a certified teacher in multiple subject areas. Greg is committed to improving education for all students and empowering educators to make a real difference in their communities.