产品: EasyBib.com

Greg Peters 15-08-2023
Greg Peters

零售价格:基本版,免费;学校版每年150美元起;EasyBib的免费MyBib Pro服务提供MLA格式。

作者:MaryAnn Karre


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质量和效果: EasyBib是这个产品的正确名称,因为它使完整和准确的书目变得轻而易举。 有了Autocite,只需输入ISBN、URL、关键词或部分标题,就能为书籍、数据库和多达58种来源(包括漫画、音乐和公开表演)生成完整的引文。 只需几秒钟就能创建一个由书籍、数据库和公开表演组成的列表。对于EasyBib没有自动提供的来源,手动引用也同样简单,因为EasyBib引文表格的每个字段都有详细的帮助。

引文指南将有助于告诉学生在哪里可以找到他们的书目所需的各种信息,而不仅仅是他们所需要的信息。 尽管免费的基本版是一个奇妙的省时和支持性工具,学校版和MyBib专业版允许学生在APA、MLA和芝加哥或Turabian风格之间轻松切换;它们还包括括号和脚注所有版本都可以通过使用Autocite引用58种来源,都可以导出到Word和RTF,并且都有引文管理。

易于使用: 学生们只需要登录就可以访问他们的清单。 由于网站非常直观和快速,他们可以专注于使用可靠的来源并正确记录它们,而不是担心正确的引文格式。 当输入被引用的页码时,括号引文向导会立即创建一个引文,而脚注向导则会将脚注或尾注的格式化。当他们使用学生版和专业版时,学生甚至可以从常用的数据库导入引文,如JSTOR、EBSCO和ProQuest。

创造性地使用技术: EasyBib不仅仅是一个引文工具,尤其是它与Credo Reference、WorldCat和YoLink合作,帮助学生在访问EasyBib网站后立即开始研究。



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Greg Peters

Greg Peters is an experienced educator and passionate advocate for transforming the field of education. With over 20 years of experience as a teacher, administrator, and consultant, Greg has dedicated his career to helping educators and schools find innovative ways to improve learning outcomes for students of all ages.As the author of the popular blog, TOOLS & IDEAS TO TRANSFORM EDUCATION, Greg shares his insights and expertise on a wide range of topics, from leveraging technology to promoting personalized learning and fostering a culture of innovation in the classroom. He is known for his creative and practical approach to education, and his blog has become a go-to resource for educators around the world.In addition to his work as a blogger, Greg is also a sought-after speaker and consultant, collaborating with schools and organizations to develop and implement effective educational initiatives. He holds a Master's degree in Education and is a certified teacher in multiple subject areas. Greg is committed to improving education for all students and empowering educators to make a real difference in their communities.