产品: Toon Boom Studio 6.0, Flip Boom Classic 5.0, Flip Boom All-Star 1.0

Greg Peters 30-09-2023
Greg Peters

www.toonboom.com ¦ 零售价格:Flip Boom Classic起价40美元;Flip Boom All-Star起价70美元;Toon Boom Studio起价150美元。

作者:MaryAnn Karre

Toon Boom动画公司扩大并改进了其动画软件的选择,增加了Flip Boom All-Star和Toon Boom Studio中更先进的功能。

See_also: 小学阶段的Kahoot!课程计划

质量和效果 : 这个系列有三种产品:

Flip Boom Classic很容易被低年级学生使用,但它提供了他们制作非常简单的动画片所需的所有工具。 绘图工具只包括画笔、填充工具和橡皮。 5.0版本包括超过75个新模板和超过100个按主题组织的声音库。

See_also: 什么是Seesaw for Schools,它是如何在教育中发挥作用的?

Flip Boom All-Star是Toon Boom系列的最新产品,它为中小学生提供了更多的功能。 与Flip Boom Classic一样,用户界面与其他熟悉的绘图程序相似,因为在绘图空间的左边有标准的绘图和油漆工具,但这个程序包括画笔、铅笔、油漆罐、矩形、椭圆、用户可以导入1000多张数字图片;从广泛的剪贴画库中拖放可制作动画的图画;并创建原始图画。

Toon Boom Studio可能最适合高中生和业余爱好者,因为它是三个程序中最复杂的,具有最专业的工具和最多的发布选项。 Toon Boom Studio 6.0提供了各种各样的动画技术,并通过 "骨骼装配 "功能进一步扩展了其功能。 这种技术使动画师能够指向和点击为角色添加片段和关节,使动作更加逼真,更容易控制。 项目可以发布到印刷品、电视、高清电视、网络、Facebook、YouTube以及iPod、iPhone和iPad。

创造性地使用技术: 这三个产品中的每一个都使用了传统的动画原理和直观的设计,使动画对一个特定的群体来说变得有趣和简单。

是否适合在学校环境中使用: 所有Toon Boom产品都包括可用于艺术和跨学科领域的课程。 动画既可用于教学,也可作为任何学科的评估工具,同时使学生学会合作,发展沟通、逻辑思维和自我表达等现实世界的技能。


Flip Boom Classic对年轻学生来说足够容易使用,而Flip Boom All-Star和Toon Boom Studio提供了更多的功能和创意选项。 所有这三款软件都提供了足够的支持,使学生能够制作出专业的动画。

¦ Toon Boom和Flip Boom可以用合理的价格制作好的动画。

Greg Peters

Greg Peters is an experienced educator and passionate advocate for transforming the field of education. With over 20 years of experience as a teacher, administrator, and consultant, Greg has dedicated his career to helping educators and schools find innovative ways to improve learning outcomes for students of all ages.As the author of the popular blog, TOOLS & IDEAS TO TRANSFORM EDUCATION, Greg shares his insights and expertise on a wide range of topics, from leveraging technology to promoting personalized learning and fostering a culture of innovation in the classroom. He is known for his creative and practical approach to education, and his blog has become a go-to resource for educators around the world.In addition to his work as a blogger, Greg is also a sought-after speaker and consultant, collaborating with schools and organizations to develop and implement effective educational initiatives. He holds a Master's degree in Education and is a certified teacher in multiple subject areas. Greg is committed to improving education for all students and empowering educators to make a real difference in their communities.