
Greg Peters 20-06-2023
Greg Peters

有时,你试图想出一个词,但却说不出来。 这里有一个网站,可以帮助你找到你整天都在想的那些词!这就是我们的网站!

反向词典允许你根据其定义搜索单词。 该工具通过各种词典的定义,抓取与你的搜索查询最接近的定义。 要使用该工具,只需写一个单词、短语或句子,让它出现一个单词列表,你可以从中选择。 你也可以点击单词,找到该单词的定义。


See_also: 什么是ReadWorks,它是如何工作的?

交叉张贴在 ozgekaraoglu.edublogs.org

Özge Karaoglu是一名英语教师和教育顾问,主要负责年轻学生的教学和基于网络的技术教学。 她是Minigon ELT系列图书的作者,该系列图书旨在通过故事向年轻学生教授英语。 阅读她关于通过技术和基于网络的工具进行英语教学的更多想法,请访问 ozgekaraoglu.edublogs.org .

See_also: 如何在学校设置虚拟现实或增强现实技术

Greg Peters

Greg Peters is an experienced educator and passionate advocate for transforming the field of education. With over 20 years of experience as a teacher, administrator, and consultant, Greg has dedicated his career to helping educators and schools find innovative ways to improve learning outcomes for students of all ages.As the author of the popular blog, TOOLS & IDEAS TO TRANSFORM EDUCATION, Greg shares his insights and expertise on a wide range of topics, from leveraging technology to promoting personalized learning and fostering a culture of innovation in the classroom. He is known for his creative and practical approach to education, and his blog has become a go-to resource for educators around the world.In addition to his work as a blogger, Greg is also a sought-after speaker and consultant, collaborating with schools and organizations to develop and implement effective educational initiatives. He holds a Master's degree in Education and is a certified teacher in multiple subject areas. Greg is committed to improving education for all students and empowering educators to make a real difference in their communities.