产品: Dabbleboard

Greg Peters 29-06-2023
Greg Peters

dabbleboard.com 零售价格:有两种类型的账户:免费账户和专业账户,后者有更多的安全、存储和支持。专业账户价格从4美元到100美元不等,适用于教育和非营利机构。

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Dabbleboard是一个Web 2.0工具,作为一个在线白板,它允许教师和学生合作或单独工作,创建图片和图形组织者。

质量和效果 : Dabbleboard使教师和学生能够轻松地创建许多图形组织者,然后可以作为工作表使用或填写并在线提交。 该工具使得为课程绘制图形变得容易,例如化学中的原子模型,以及说明物理学中的问题。

See_also: 什么是大都会? 你需要了解的情况

易于使用: 在Dabbleboard上绘图是相当直观的,但也有一段视频向用户展示了如何利用该工具的有用技巧,例如如何绘制形状。 视频还演示了如何协作工作(通过向合作者发送页面链接或通过网络研讨会进行交流),以及如何发布用户的作品以便其他人可以查看。 然而,如果有更多的关于如何有效合作的信息。

创造性地使用技术 : 该产品结合了白板和文字处理程序的最佳方面。 此外,Dabbleboard的创作可以很容易地转移到维基和网页上,或者直接下载到用户的计算机上。

适合在学校环境中使用:由于Dabbleboard非常容易学习,老师和学生都不需要太多的准备或上课时间来熟悉它。 同样,由于它是一个网络工具,不需要任何设备来存储数据。 学生和工作人员只需在线登录他们的账户。


Dabbleboard是一个多功能的Web 2.0工具,可以用来更有效地演示许多科目和各种类型的内容。





Greg Peters

Greg Peters is an experienced educator and passionate advocate for transforming the field of education. With over 20 years of experience as a teacher, administrator, and consultant, Greg has dedicated his career to helping educators and schools find innovative ways to improve learning outcomes for students of all ages.As the author of the popular blog, TOOLS & IDEAS TO TRANSFORM EDUCATION, Greg shares his insights and expertise on a wide range of topics, from leveraging technology to promoting personalized learning and fostering a culture of innovation in the classroom. He is known for his creative and practical approach to education, and his blog has become a go-to resource for educators around the world.In addition to his work as a blogger, Greg is also a sought-after speaker and consultant, collaborating with schools and organizations to develop and implement effective educational initiatives. He holds a Master's degree in Education and is a certified teacher in multiple subject areas. Greg is committed to improving education for all students and empowering educators to make a real difference in their communities.