
Greg Peters 04-06-2023
Greg Peters

当你想完成一个项目时,当与他人合作时,你必须了解哪些因素会导致一个高绩效的团队,以及了解使会议有效的策略。 但是,当你不喜欢你的学校、你所属的组织或你的社区等正在进行的工作时,怎么办?

教练心理学家Yaron Prywes (@Yaron321)在一个全天的研讨会上揭示了如何在进行会议时避免有前途的做法和陷阱。

  1. 坚持通过 "渠道 "做任何事情。 绝不允许为了加快决策而走捷径。
  2. 尽可能多地发表 "演讲",用长篇轶事和个人经历来说明你的 "观点"。
  3. 在可能的情况下,将所有事项提交给委员会,以便 "进一步研究和考虑"。 尽量使委员会规模大一些--永远不要少于五个。
  4. 尽可能频繁地提出不相关的问题。
  5. 在通信、会议记录、决议的精确措辞上讨价还价。
  6. 回到上次会议决定的事项,并试图重新讨论该决定是否可取的问题。
  7. 提倡 "谨慎",要 "合理",并敦促你的同伴 "合理",避免仓促行事,因为这可能会导致日后的尴尬或困难。

现在,如果你的目标是保持会议的正常进行,你可能想把这张幻灯片打印出来,提醒你不要做什么。 这样,当任何这些策略开始形成时,你可以指着这张提醒你要避免什么。

See_also: 最佳的学校免费虚拟逃生室

资料来源:中情局关于如何破坏生产力的解密手册。 文章。

你怎么看? 这里有你经历过的导致会议偏离轨道的策略吗? 有什么遗漏吗? 有什么你不同意的吗? 请在评论中分享。

丽莎-尼尔森为全球各地的听众撰写关于创新学习的文章并发表演讲,地方和国家媒体经常报道她关于 "激情(而非数据)驱动的学习"、"跳出禁令思考 "以利用技术的力量促进学习,以及利用社交媒体的力量为教育者和学生提供声音的观点。 尼尔森女士曾在一个多月的时间里工作。除了她的获奖博客The Innovative Educator外,Nielsen女士的文章还被赫芬顿邮报、Tech & Learning、ISTE Connects、ASCD Wholechild、MindShift、Leading & Learning、The Unplugged Mom等网站转载,她还是《Teaching》一书作者。代文。


See_also: 什么是Listenwise? 最佳技巧和窍门

Greg Peters

Greg Peters is an experienced educator and passionate advocate for transforming the field of education. With over 20 years of experience as a teacher, administrator, and consultant, Greg has dedicated his career to helping educators and schools find innovative ways to improve learning outcomes for students of all ages.As the author of the popular blog, TOOLS & IDEAS TO TRANSFORM EDUCATION, Greg shares his insights and expertise on a wide range of topics, from leveraging technology to promoting personalized learning and fostering a culture of innovation in the classroom. He is known for his creative and practical approach to education, and his blog has become a go-to resource for educators around the world.In addition to his work as a blogger, Greg is also a sought-after speaker and consultant, collaborating with schools and organizations to develop and implement effective educational initiatives. He holds a Master's degree in Education and is a certified teacher in multiple subject areas. Greg is committed to improving education for all students and empowering educators to make a real difference in their communities.